New Recipe

While I was exercising, I watched the Food Network Channel.  I love to watch Giada.  Today, she had an awesome recipe for dessert.  She made Fried Banana Split.  Here is the recipe:

makes 2 servings

1/4 cup of water
4 oz semisweet chocolate
two bananas
1 Tbls. butter
brown sugar to coat
toasted almonds

Put 1/4 cup of water in a double boiler.

Chop the chocolate into small pieces
Melt the chocolate in the water in the double boiler until it looks like satin

Cut the tops and bottoms off of the bananas and then slice the skin down the middle
peel and cut the bananas in half and then half again.  You should have 8 pieces.

Melt 1 Tblsp of butter in a non-stick frying pan while you coat the bananas
To coat them, put some brown sugar into a pie dish and coat both sides of the bananas.

Cut side down, place them in the butter in the frying pan for 30 seconds.

Pour the melted chocolate over them and add some toasted almonds on top



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