It's been a while again since I have blogged .  I have been working so much on all my collages for the Library and the Gallery.  I am going to post the pictures for you to view:

 Here we have The Veil, It is an old time Vintage Wedding Collage with emphasis on the veil.

 Here we have A Stitch In Time, an old time sewing collage

This is Lady In blue

Here is Lady Amid Flowers

This one is precious to me called Child O' Mine

I love anything vintage and Victorian so this is called Tea Party

One of my absolute favorites since I am so in love with Paris
This is titled The Old Days Of Paris

This one I made in a class at Art-Is-You in Connecticut
My first try at a collage and I call her Back To The Future

Another favorite of mine, since I love the beach
This one is called By The Sea

I have also done my share of Steampunk jewelry and these
are some belt buckles I made for my husband

Here is a collage and if you look closely, you can see all the Steampunk
jewelry I have made and put into a collage titled The Art Of Steampunk

Here we have the Ice Queen

For a little something different, here we have a bra that I designed
for Adelphi University for their campaign for Creative Cups which
is a silent auction of handmade bras.   The front
and back had to be completely covered and decorated
All the proceeds got to Breast Cancer and the artists get
into a coffee-table book.
I have done this twice before, this time I did a Victorian
Steampunk bra

Here is a Victorian/Steampunk piece I call Sweet Lady


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